Thursday, October 20, 2011

we're all in it together....

At this time of harvest and with Canadian Thanksgiving fast becoming a memory, I would like to reflect on the bounty that is ours in rural Alberta….
This was never more palpable than this past week at the tranquil Sanctum Retreat Centre near Caroline, AB where like minds gathered from diverse communities to teach and support each other through stories and shared experiences. Yes, in the serene, yet vibrant dress of autumn, we got a snap-shot of how so much diversity can and will create the richest canvas.
On behalf of ACE Team Trochu, I was honoured to share some of our past two year’s learnings with the communities of Jasper, Grand Cache, Rocky Mountain House and Carstairs. I am excited anew at their enthusiasm, and yes, some familiar confusion, as they embark on their own tours. Although the diversity issues vary somewhat from one community to the other, each has in common the wish to learn to share their space and resources amicably with others different from themselves or the traditional ‘norms’, while improving the quality of life therein. We can share these ideas so well and simply by story-telling punctuated with expertise, thinking- smarter techniques, and coaching. Know this; we are making a difference in rural Alberta ! Leaders already live in every community and we all have a part to play, whether by stepping forward as that leader or by just making the connections that bring someone else forward in what may be a first-time role for them. Technology and social media are essential for knowledge management and effective communication; whether or not we are the ‘Tweeters’, and ‘Facebookers’, many others are and we dare not lag behind because the future is truly ours.
The collective group numbered under 25 participants making a workshop format very effective while utilizing the ‘Toolkit for Community Leaders’ throughout. The keynote speaker, a woman born in Iran and making her life in Canada, was Farah Mocquais and here is a link with some information about her... Her easy manner and testimonial style impressed upon the gathering, the importance of creating trust first, through learning cultural differences, and that communities who work toward stronger leadership, become stronger communities. Along with Farah, was the ever-capable and fun-loving ACE Teamleaders : Brenda Herchmer, Janet Naclia, Barb Pedersen, Rose Carmichael and newly on-board, Byron Walker as e-learning leader as well as Letisha McFall, coach for the diversity communities. I cannot think of anyone I would rather have on my ‘bench’… and for so many, I say a heartfelt, Thank-you!
‘It never hurts to ask’ has become the tag-line for Trochu and it was humbling and exciting at the same time, to be quoted as a group of community leaders, to have our power point featured and to be approached by other community leaders asking about our experiences. As a community we have learned so much, experienced such growth; joy, some frustration, but above all, growth. On this very day, we are breaking ground for our 2.7 km Centennial Trail System; that tangible piece of the bigger picture that allowed us to say…WOW! We did it. The experience is a little like a good book…it only gets better the more it is read, shared, celebrated and passed along. I look forward to rejoicing in your stories and accomplishments and I close with a quotation shared in the summation of the training which I feel speaks to our part in the bigger picture….
“ The object is not to see through one another, but to see one another through”….. Peter Devries
Till next time…..Trochu out

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Catch summer ....

Catch summer while it is here….
Dare I say that things are calming down for summer? That said, we have had several committee summer wind-up meetings and school’s end stuff, not the least of which was our second annual successful Servus Credit Union Movie Night in the Park on June 29. Upwards  of 240 participants were entertained by “Karate Kid 2010” and the late night good-will offering brought in an additional $800.00 for  the local ACE Trails project. On that topic, steady progress continues to be made with the environmental assessment interview having been held this past week and more definite plans getting drawn up; our leadership and committed volunteerism stay  strong in this area and beyond.
 July 1 dawned sunny and clear after a rainy night heralding in a terrific Canada Day celebration complete with an exceptional Elks Parade including two visiting marching bands and many floats from neighbouring  towns  in honour  of our  centennial year. The Ag Society hosted fun family events all afternoon with an evening dinner, 50-year TroVal School reunion with concert and spectacular fireworks finale at the Baptist Church as they too celebrate 100 years in 2011!
The most recent fun community event was a CFL Tailgate party sponsored by Dow Agro Sciences on July 14 and for which Trochu was the Alberta community of choice. Edmonton Eskimo Alumni greats Hector Pothier and Gizmo Williams were here offering photo ops along with the Grey Cup leading up to a big screen CFL game for the community to enjoy. Fundraising opportunities were made available for our ACE Trails committee (working a BBQ), our parent -School group (working a cash bar) and finally, our School Resource Officer Program through a joint-donation silent auction. Many thanks to all who showed support for this event!

Well, the summer monsoons have struck…again; and I have weeds to pick, so will close wishing you a wonderful summer;  remember….you never know when a memory is being createdJ
Till next time;    Trochu out.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wasn’t that a party, Trochu ?

Yes, it was…. Their Honors, Lieutenant Governor Donald and Mrs. Ethell added a regal element to the birthday celebrations with their warmth and grace, living out their professed interest in rural Alberta. The Centennial Planning Committee left no stone unturned, with upwards of 50 past mayors and council returning  for the  festivities - including the unearthing and examination of a time capsule and contents buried in 1986, awaiting the reveal on May 5, 2011. Tears and laughter accompanied the reading of emotionally-charged letters from now-deceased grandparents to yet-to-be born grandchildren, along with obsolete technology and photos, and dated Mohawk dollarsJ Other highlights of the day included congratulatory wishes from MP Kevin Sorenson and MLA Richard Marz as well as special guest appearances by Armand Trochu, aka local business man, Tom Frere. A delicious dinner and entertainment by local chorale group, Pleasant Company, musical stylings of Lewis Frere and a nostalgic power-point presentation by Trochu Museum curator, Toni Nelson, rounded out the day’s program (also incidentally, Toni crafted the Trochu ACE Communities pps for the ARPA Conference last fall that can still be viewed on the ACE Communities website.)
Since my last blog, we have had a regional cultural workshop to better understand and welcome  new physicians, and other new neighbours from various cultures, and we celebrated a successful joint tri-community School Resource Officer Program with neighboring communities, Delburne and Elnora, and generous corporate partners, Encana. Our on-going project and the jewel in our centennial crown is the pursuit, commencement and ultimate completion of our Trails System. Funding grants are confirmed from Federal and Provincial government; and corporate friends, local businesses and individuals are also generously supporting this ACE Communities inspired-project. We are planning to see the earth being moved, and asphalt in place by late summer/ fall, as the process of an environmental assessment is being conducted as I write. Things don’t always move quickly, but surely is more importantJ
Upon my recent return from  a mountain get-away, I realized again how essential it is in our busy lives to pause and reflect. Having dodged yet one more Apocolyptic threat this past May 21, the upside of such annual prophecies is that it makes me renew my appreciation of this wonderful country in which we live.  If you, like I, have been spared recent fires, floods and funnel clouds, may we generously remember the victims of these assaults of nature until their sense of normalcy can be restored. With another promise of spring’s new life, may you too enjoy a time of growth, personally and in your community. Till next time…Trochu out !

Friday, April 1, 2011

Trochu Has Taste!

Trochu has Taste !!
…at least that’s what some 400 people were raving about after the Taste of Trochu event held at the Trochu Community Centre. This pilot project  came to fruition March 25, and exceeded committee’s highest expectations with a dozen local food providers serving up a vast  variety of their sample- sized specialties, ethnic and western.  In addition to the delicious fare, colourful song and dance numbers  from our Philippine and Aboriginal communities, and  ladies choral group, delighted all. If you missed it this year, do yourself a flavour- favour and watch for dates for the next one…we are pretty sure this will be an annual event!
As if this wasn’t enough for one weekend, Saturday night March 26 presented  the “Pinkest Little Town in the West”  finale family dance celebration. A wonderful evening was enjoyed by all who had shown their true colours to help Trochu become a double winner in achieving the “Pinkest….Town” as well as supporting Breast Cancer research. Trochu now has the pleasant task of installing two large and colourful (you know it, they are very pinkJ) signs at town entrances to invite passersby to come on in and stop for some of the famous “tastes” of Trochu.
It is beautiful and amazing when a community starts pulling together, how one exciting thing barely awaits the next… case in point, we had barely cleared the stage, when we received news of our successful application from the Canadian Heritage Legacy Fund. Our Trails Committee, developed through ACE Communities and working diligently, has been awaiting this day and needless to say, our community as a whole is thrilled with the full $159,000.00 grant approval !  We are now eagerly into the next phase of matching funds to see this project completed for our Centennial year . We are very grateful for this opportunity to become a stronger community together and wish to acknowledge the ACE Communities initiative and leaders for support in so many ways.
There is so much more on the menu for 2011, our Centennial year, but at this time I will leave you to digest today’s offering and hopefully whet your appetite for the next course…. Bon Apetit!
Trochu out!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Another good habit to create....

Creating a good habit ...research shows that it takes 21 days to establish a new (preferably good :) habit. It has been at least that long since I last checked in and I have still not gotten busy with my next, new habit. Somewhere between New Year's resolutions to eat healthier, excercise more and get more organized, sits my pledge to submit a monthly blog. It is actually no chore to 'write' but more important would be that someone wishes to read my jottings...that said, I will add an update about the tempo in Trochu since Christmas.
A Trochu Centennial Committee has been struck to celebrate  100 years strong, kicking things off with a stroll through history with remarkable Trochuites via a fabulous 2011 calendar  that is enjoying excellent sales for the local Museum and Historical Society as well as a weekly newspaper piece called "Footprints". New Year's Eve exploded on the scene with a wonderful traditional fireworks display immediately followed with hot chocolate and later a cabaret with excellent entertainment by our much loved home-grown "Frere Band". On January 5, exactly a year following our Ignite Tour community meeting, we reconvened to update the community about pertinent ACE events including progress for our Trails System Project. Our family-friendly winter carnival took place in early February with  "Own the Podium"  photo opportunities with former local Olympians. Town Councillor and ACE Leader, Bill Cunningham has been working  toward a new event to debut in Trochu, March 25..."A Taste of Trochu"; whereby local food purveyors will showcase sample-sized fare for all to try, as well as an array of local entertainment emphasizing our rich multi-cultural community.
Following a spirited webinar last week on "Facilitation Techniques" by BarbPedersen, my head is quite stuffed so I will leave you now. Stay tuned for next month's offering as I am determined to make good on at least one of my newly created 'good' habits.....Till next time; Trochu out.