Saturday, July 23, 2011

Catch summer ....

Catch summer while it is here….
Dare I say that things are calming down for summer? That said, we have had several committee summer wind-up meetings and school’s end stuff, not the least of which was our second annual successful Servus Credit Union Movie Night in the Park on June 29. Upwards  of 240 participants were entertained by “Karate Kid 2010” and the late night good-will offering brought in an additional $800.00 for  the local ACE Trails project. On that topic, steady progress continues to be made with the environmental assessment interview having been held this past week and more definite plans getting drawn up; our leadership and committed volunteerism stay  strong in this area and beyond.
 July 1 dawned sunny and clear after a rainy night heralding in a terrific Canada Day celebration complete with an exceptional Elks Parade including two visiting marching bands and many floats from neighbouring  towns  in honour  of our  centennial year. The Ag Society hosted fun family events all afternoon with an evening dinner, 50-year TroVal School reunion with concert and spectacular fireworks finale at the Baptist Church as they too celebrate 100 years in 2011!
The most recent fun community event was a CFL Tailgate party sponsored by Dow Agro Sciences on July 14 and for which Trochu was the Alberta community of choice. Edmonton Eskimo Alumni greats Hector Pothier and Gizmo Williams were here offering photo ops along with the Grey Cup leading up to a big screen CFL game for the community to enjoy. Fundraising opportunities were made available for our ACE Trails committee (working a BBQ), our parent -School group (working a cash bar) and finally, our School Resource Officer Program through a joint-donation silent auction. Many thanks to all who showed support for this event!

Well, the summer monsoons have struck…again; and I have weeds to pick, so will close wishing you a wonderful summer;  remember….you never know when a memory is being createdJ
Till next time;    Trochu out.